
At Barlby CP School, Maths is taught daily, following the White Rose Maths scheme of work. The teaching of Maths has a sharp focus on number recognition and calculating skills. Problem solving is one of the key ways in which we offer children an opportunity to apply mathematical skills and concepts to real world situations.

It is vital that children have a good foundation in basic number facts including knowing, by heart, all of the multiplication tables. We use written Times Table Rock Stars practice daily in school to ensure this knowledge is strong - as well as encouraging the use of the accompanying website at home.

All children work at different levels in different subjects, depending on their strengths. Our staff plan activities/support carefully to ensure all children have the opportunity to progress.

Progression of Skills

Foundation Stage

For a progression of skills taught in Nursery through to Year 1, please click here.

 Years 1-6

Available here is the scheme of work used to plan and deliver Maths sessions. The documentation breaks the Maths curriculum down into individual areas and outlines how the skills taught within these progress in difficulty and expectation across school.

 Maths Assessments

The documents below show the assessment materials used for the majority of children at the end of each Key Stage in Maths. Interim year groups use similar documentation which your child’s class teacher will be happy to talk through with you and can be found in your child’s white folder.

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2

*Please note that these assessments form the basis of teacher assessment. Key Stage 1 children do sit a SATs test, but a final judgement is made using teacher assessment. In Key Stage 2, these teacher assessments are used to track attainment internally and identify areas for improvement, but a pupil’s Math’s level is achieved solely through their score on the Maths SATs paper.